Long Live Creativity!
Go go go do it yourself !
This is more than just a DIY trend. Owing to the covid effects we had all to resist, we were obliged to change perspectives. We noted that you wanted to create more and more and make your clothes by yourself. So here we are! We are pleased to share with you some of our best pieces. So, let your imagination run wild, and create, create, create 🙂
Did you know that Jenny Sacerdote used to collaborate with the best magazines in France, and fabric suppliers to explore new uses of her sewing patterns? Each and every one was invited to re-appropriate the forms she invented to bring out their own creativity. This is how Jenny used to invite people to reveal their individuality. And today is your turn. Enjoy!
Meanwhile,we remain at your entire disposal should you have any problem. Do not hesitate to contact us.
Thank you for your confidence. And may creativity prevail !